ラジオ英会話 ~(223)2024/3/6(水)引いて押せ


大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans



Key Sentence

Yeah, but I’m still a musician. 


Dialogue ドリスが恋人で元ベーシストのデレク(M)と話す
D: Derek, do you really want to return to the Desperate Rats? It was your decision to leave the band.

M: Yeah, but I’m still a musician.

D: Yes, but they have a new bass player.

M: He’s nowhere near as good as I am.

D: That may be true, but Bill likes him. Why don’t you start your own band?

M: Nah, I’m not good at writing songs like Bill.(だめだよ

D: Sounds like you’ll always be a Desperate Rat.(どうやらあなたはいつもデスパレートラッツの一人でいるつもりなのね

M: Yeah, I guess so.(ああそうなんだよね


*Nah: いやいいよ noより柔らかく聞こえる

Grammar and Vocabulary
1) it ~ to …
It was your decision to leave the band. (バンドを辞めるのはあなたの決定でした


2) as ~ as …
He’s nowhere near as good as I am. (彼は私の足元にも及びません


*nowhere near:~とはかけ離れて、~の足元にも及ばない


Typical Expressions 引いて押す
Yeah, but I’m still a musician. (ええ、でもまだ私はミュージシャンです


Yes, but ~(ええ、ですが~  
That’s true, but ~ (そのとおりですが、~
Right, but ~(そうですが、~  

Exactly, but ~ (本当にそうですが、~
Very true, but ~ (まさにそうですが、~


That may be true, but Bill likes him. (それはそうかもしれませんが、ビルは彼が好きなのです


That’s interesting, but ~ (それは興味深いですが、~
That’s a nice thought, but ~ (それはいい考えですが、~

That would be nice, but ~ (それはいいかもしれませんが、~


I can understand how you feel, but ~ (お気持ちは分かりますが、~



Grammar and Vocavulary in Action
1) Yeah, but he’s young at heart.(ええ、でも彼は気が若いんですよ。


2) Exactly, but that doesn’t mean we can ignore the rules.(規則を無視していいことを意味しません


3) I can understand how you feel, but there’s nothing we can do about it now. You’ll have to wait until tomorrow. (お気持ちはわかりますが、それについて今できることは何もありません
