ラジオ英会話 ~(221)2024/3/4(月)ながれ:興味を示す1

大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans


Key Sentence

It was fantastic! ― Really?



Dialogue  マサルとロキシーが公開された人気映画について話す
M: Roxy, I just saw that new movie, Atlantis Wars. It was fantastic!

R: Really?

M: Uh-huh. It’s one of the most exciting movies I’ve ever seen.

R: What happens in it?(その中ではどんなことが起こるの

M: So, a long time ago, the people of Atlantis built pyramids all over the world.

R: Yeah? Okay. And?

M: They had really advanced technology.

R: Oh, I see.

M: And then, there was a big war and everything got destroyed.(視線の移動

R: Hmm. That’s hard to believe.

M: Yeah, maybe. It’s just a movie.



Grammar and Vocabulary
1) 最上級の範囲
It’s one of the most exciting movies I’ve ever seen.  (私がこれまで見た最もわくわくする映画の一つです


2) 難易を表す形容詞

That’s hard to believe. (それは信じるのが難しい



Typical Expressions ながれ 興味を示す
It was fantastic! ― Really?  (それは素晴らしかったです!—本当に?


For real? (本当に?

Well, I never. (まさか

Yeah? (そうなの?

Hmm. (ふーむ


Right. (そうだね

Okay. (そうですね

Uh-huh. (うんうん

Sure. (確かに

Sure thing.

Oh, I see. (ああ、わかりました


And? (それで?

And then? (それから?

Go on. (続けて

What then? (それで?

Then what? 


That sounds interesting. (面白そうですね

That sounds great.(すごそうですね

That sounds scary.(怖そうですね

That sounds rough.(つらそうですね

That sounds tough.(大変そうですね

Typical Expressions in Action
1) A concert? Never! I thought that band broke up. (コンサートだって?まさか!


2) For real? Keith doesn’t normally wear jeans. Did he look good in them?

本当に? (キースはふだんジーンズをはきませんよ。彼のジーンズ姿はかっこよく見えましたか?