英会話タイムトライアル (再)2月DAY14 2024/2/29(木)ECRトレーニング

Steve Soresi/Jenny Skidmore




1) Thank you for your valuable time.


2) You mentioned our branch in Malaysia.


3) What do you suggest?


4) We only sell our products domestically now.

5) Maybe we should sell in Europe, too.




1) ~について気がかりなことが一つあります

There's one concern about ~

There's one concern about the logo design.


2) ~しましょうと提案する

Let's ~.

You talked about the logo design. What's your suggestion?

― Let's make it more colorful.


3) 提案の根拠を伝える

It's ~.

It's easier to see it from a distance.




1) Shouldn't we start selling our tea outside of India?

― Yes, let's start selling outside of India.


2) Which region is best to start with.. Asia, Africa, Europe, or somewhere else?

― Let's start with Asia.



10-second Challenge

Why do you suggest that region?


― Since we know Asia best, we'll have a little less risk. And there will be a little less competition, but we'll have competiton wherever we go.


*To explain a reason, you often use comparisons.