ラジオ英会話 ~(217)2024/2/27(火)感情30:不快感


大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans



Key Sentence

That was uncalled for. 

Dialogue ドリスはベース奏者だったデレクと話をする
D: Derek, I forgot to tell you. I bumped into Bill and we had coffee together.

M: Oh, really? How is he doing?

D: Fine. We talked a bit about your wanting to return to the band.

M: What? You told him that?

D: Yes, it’s the truth, isn’t it?

M: Doris, that was uncalled for. You shouldn’t have said that to him.

D: Sorry, but I was just being honest.

M: What did Bill say about that idea?

D: Well..(それがね


*uncalled for: 余計な、出しゃばった

Grammar and Vocabulary
1) I bumped into Bill. (私はビルとばったり会いました

2) be動詞の進行形/行為が行われていた感触
I was just being honest. (私はただ正直にふるまっていただけです



Typical Expressions  不快感
That was uncalled for. (それは余計でした

There’s no need for that. (その必要はありません
There’s no need for that kind of language.(そうした言葉を使う必要はありません

That type of language is inappropriate. (その種の言葉遣いは不適切です
You can’t say things like that. (そんなことは言えません
Take that back. (取り消しなさい


Watch your mouth. (口に利き方に気をつけて

Watch your language.  


That’s a bit rude. (それはちょっと失礼ですよ
How rude. (なんて失礼なのでしょう

How rude of you.
That’s downright offensive. (それはまったく不快です

You will speak to me with the proper respect. (適切な敬意を払って私と話すように/You will~

Be respectful. (敬意を払いなさい


Typical Expressions in Action

1) That was uncalled for. You had no right to bring up his past like that.


*bring up his past like that: あんな風に過去を持ち出す


2) Take that back. I most certainly do not favor your sister over you. I love you both equally.


*most certainly: 絶対確実に

*favor A over B: AをBより贔屓する


3) That’s a bit rude. You can criticize his management style without saying he’s a bad person.


*his management style: 経営スタイル