ラジオ英会話 ~(216)2024/2/26(月)感情29:圧倒される


大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans



Key Sentence

I just can’t get my head around the size of it.

Dialogue 講義の後 ピーコック教授と学生ジェシカが話す
J: Professor Peacock, that was fascinating lecture.

P: Oh, hi, Jessica. Thank you. I haven’t seen you recently.

J: Yes, it has been a while. You’ve been busy, I know.

P: Not really. Anyway, how did you like the videos in my lecture?(それほどでもありません

J: The one of the Great Pyramid was amazing!

P: Thank you. I never tire of visiting it.

J: I just can’t get my head around the size of it.

P: Yes. That ancient people built it is mind-boggling.

J: It really is.


*fascinating: 興味深い、魅力的な
*never tire of -ing: 飽きずに~する
*get one’s head around: (難しいことを)理解する

*mind-boggling: 驚異的な

Grammar and Vocabulary
1) It has been a while. You’ve been busy. (お久しぶりです。あなたはずっと忙しかったです


2) 主語の位置にあればそれは主語
That ancient people built it is mind-boggling.  (古代の人々がそれを建てたのは、まさに驚異的です



Typical Expressions 圧倒される
I just can’t get my head around the size of it. (私には その大きさが全く理解できません

It’s overwhelming. (それは圧倒的です
I’m overwhelmed. (私は圧倒されています


It’s mind-boggling. (それは圧倒的です


It’s too much for me to take in. (私が理解するには多すぎます
I’m having a hard time taking it all in. (すべてを理解するのに苦労しています
This is more than I can handle. (私が処理できることを越えています


This is beyond me. (これは私の理解を越えています




Typical Expressions in Action
1) I can’t get my head around how many people live in Tokyo. My hometown only has 1,200 people.


3) I thought I was good at math, but this? This is beyond me. It looks like hieroglyphics.

