英会話タイムトライアル 2月DAY13 2024/2/21(水)SPRトレーニング

Steve Soresi / Jenny Skidmore


Today, we practice phrases to communicate a problem. These phrases are useful to build good relationships at the office.




1) There is one concern.(気がかりなことが一つあります


2) There is one concern about remote work.


3) There is one concern about our sales strategy.


4) We only sell our products domestically now.(↔ internationally/globally


5) Maybe we should sell in Europe, too.


6) There is one concern about the manual.


7) It's pretty long and complex.(ちょっと長くて複雑です

/It's a little long and complex.


8) Maybe we should talk to our lawyer about it. (lawyer/attorney


9) Does anyone have any questions or concerns?


10) If you have any questions or concerns, just send me an email.