ラジオ英会話 ~(211)2024/2/19(月)感情25:いらいら

大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans




My students drive me crazy?


Dialogue ウィーンに到着のスミス先生がピアノ教師ストラヴィンスキー(W)に会う

M: Excuse me, is this right tram for the theater?

W: Yes, this one takes you there.

M: Oh, your accent sounds American.(おや?あなたの話し方は

W: Well, I live in America, but I was born here in Vienna.

M: Oh, wow! It’s my first time here.(ここに来るのは初めてなのです

W: You’re going to love it, if you love classical music, anyway.

M: I teach music at a high school.

W: Really? I am a piano teacher. Do you enjoy teaching?

M: Well, sometimes my students drive me crazy, but generally I do.(生徒のせいで・・・たいていは楽しんでいます

W: The same goes for me, too.


*the same goes for ~: ~も同様で

Grammar and Vocabulary
1) I teach music at a high school. (私は高校で音楽を教えています


2) Do you enjoy teaching? (あなたは教えるのが好きですか?



Typical Expressions
My students drive me crazy? (私の生徒は私をひどくイライラさせます



It drives me crazy when ~ (~するとイライラします

It drives me insane when ~

It drives me batty when ~


I was annoyed. (私はイライラしました

I was irritated.


That’s annoying. (それはイライラします

That’s irritating.


I wanna rip my hair out when ~. (~すると髪の毛をかきむしりたくなります
It makes me wanna scream. (それは私を叫びたくなる気分にさせます


It’s like nails on a chalkboard. (黒板を爪でひっかいている感じだ/生理的嫌悪感



*insane: 正気を失った

*batty: 頭の変な

*rip my hair out: 髪の毛を掻きむしりたくなる


Typical Expressions in Action
1) His constant foot-tapping drives me crazy. I wish he would sit still.(いつも足をふみならすのは・・じっと座ってくれたらいいのに



3) My daughter started violin lessons. One day she’ll be great at it. But right now it’s like nails on a chalkboard.(いつかはうまくひけるようになるでしょう