英会話タイムトライアル 2月DAY9 2024/2/015(金)ECRトレーニング

Steve Soresi / Jenny Skidmore




1) We have a branch in Mumbai.


2) I'll introduce you to the branch manager.


3) I'm excited to meet your team.


4) Starting today, we can join meetings remotely.


5) About your business card, how many should we print?




1) Do you have a branch in...?

Do you have a branch in Japan?


2) Starting next month, ... 来月から~です

Starting next month, our sales meeting will be on Tuesdays.


3) About our logo,... わが社のロゴについてですが

About our logo, should we add more color?




1) You're the new branch manager. How do you feel?

― Well, thanks. It hasn't sunk in yet.



2) For the back of your business card, should it be blank or have some information?

― Maybe we can have something about our products there.




10-second Challenge

Do you have a favorite word, motto or proverb for business?


― My favorite saying is even monkeys fall from trees. Or さるもきからおちる. It means even an expert can make a mistake.