英会話タイムトライアル2月DAY5 2023/2/09(金)対話カラオケ Across the Globe!


Steve Soresi /Nilina Boban




Imagine this:

Today you start to work in an office in Mumbai. Don't be nervous. We  welcome newcomers and we'll take easy on you. how we should address you at work. I'll ask you about commuting and how we should address you at work. I'll introduce you to everyone.





N: Good morning! How are you this morning?


S: Good, and I'm excited for my first day. How are you?


N: Good. You're right on time for your first day. How did you commute to work today?


S:Today, I took  bus, but I think I can cycle to work someday.

N: By the way, how should we address you at the office?


S: In Japan, people usually address each other by their family names. So everyone calls me Soresi-san, but everyone here at work can just call me Steve.


N: Got it! Everyone calls me, Nilina. I'll introduce you to everyone.

Excuse me everyone. We have a new member of our team. Originaly from Japan.


S: Hi everyone. I'm Steve. I'm looking forward to working with all of you.


N: We're looking forward to working with you, too. Where exactly are you from in Japan?


S: Originaly I'm from Sapporo in Northern Japan. It's pretty cold there, so I'm enjoying the warm weather in Mumbai.


N: Our president loves Japan. We address her by her given name, Sarah.

Are you ready to meet the president?


S: Yes. It might feel different to address the president by her given name.

