ラジオ英会話 ~(205)2024/2/09(金)今週のリビュー

大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans




Listening Challenge


What surprised Masami at first?


a) Zaytox’s way of walking.

b) Zaytox’s voice.

c) Zaytox’s appearance.




Why is the woman surprised?


a) Because Mr. Smith is in a good mood.

b) Because Mr. Smith entered a song in a contest.

c) Because Mr. Smith got a ticket to Vienna.




Which of the following is true?


a) A team of new players is at number three.

b) Ivan doesn’t think the world champion will lose.

c) Abby is a Vegan.




What is the downside of life on an island for the two people?


1) There are no huge shopping centers.

2) There are big insects.

3) They always have to race against time.




Say It in English

もう大丈夫。私がクモをすごく怖がっているって知っているわよね? お風呂場で大きなクモを見つけたと思ったの。だけどそれはあなたの靴下だったわ!

What’s happening?


― I’m OK now. I’m so afraid of spiders, you know? I thought I found a huge spider in the bathroom. But it turned out to be your sock!



Listen to this. I went shopping in Shibuya yesterday, and I saw ken walking down the street.

― Are you saying you saw your boyfriend? The one who died ten years ago? That can’t be! Don’t tell me you followed him. You’re scaring me.

