英会話タイムトライアル 2月DAY4 2024/2/08(木)ECRトレーニング

Steve Soresi / Jenny Skidmore





1) I was born and raised in Japan.


2) I moved to India five years ago.


3) Now I work for an Indian bank.


4) How should we address each other?


5) I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.




1) How's ~ going?(~はいかがですか

How's the new menu going?(お客さんの反応を聞く


2) I'm looking forward to ~

I'm looking forward to our meeting next week.


3) We address each other by our ~

We address each other by our family names.




1) How did you commute to work today?


ー Today, I took the bus, but I think I can cycle to work someday.



2) Attention, everyone. We have a new member of our team.


― Hi everyone. I'm Jenny. I'm looking forword to working with all of you.




10-second Challenge

How should we address you at the office?


― My given name is Jeniffer and my maiden name is Skidmore. My married name is Shima, but just call me Jenny.