ラジオ英会話 ~(199)2024/2/01(木)感情16:混乱2:何をしていいのかわからない


大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans



Key Sentence

I have no idea what to do now.


Dialogue 分譲マンションを契約したヒロキが手相占い師ヒロコのもとを訪れる
A: Hiroki, welcome back. I had a feeling you’d be here today.

H: How did you know that?(どうしてそんなことがわかったの?

A: I’ve been doing this work for many years. I know.

H: Interesting. Well, I need your advice again.(そうなんですね

A: Sit down... Please, go ahead.

H: Well, I signed a contract to buy a new condominium.

A: But now you’re having second thoughts, right?

H: Yes, exactly. Today my company told me they’re reducing my bonus! I have no idea what to do now.

A: That’s not surprising.



*contract: 契約(書)  

*condominium: 分譲マンション

Grammar and Vocabulary

1) 同格節
I had a feeling you’d be here today. (私は、あなたが今日やってくるような気がしていました


2) 未来の予定を表す現在進行形
Today my company told me they’re reducing my bonus! (今日、会社はボーナスを減らすと私に言いました!



Typical Expressions  何をしていいか分からない
I have no idea what to do now. (私はもう何をすべきなのかわかりません



I don’t know what to do.  (何をすべきなのかわかりません

I’m at a loss as to what to do.

I’m drawing a blank as to what to do.(外れくじをひく


What am I going to do?  (私はどうすればいいのでしょか?

What should I do?

What shall I do?


What do you think I should do? (私は何をすべきだとあなたは思いますか?




Typical Expressions in Action
1) The deadline is tomorrow, but I haven’t even started. I don’t know what to do.


2) My phone keeps telling me to change my password for some reason. What should I do?


*for some reason: 何らかの理由で




to be contined

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