ラジオ英会話 ~(195)2024/1/26(金)今週のリビュー

大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans



Listening Challenge



What did the man do for Alexis?


a) He positioned her smart phone.

b) He directed her internet video channel.

c) He gave her a piece of advice on fashion.




Who is Doris?


a) A documentary film director.

b) An old fan of Bill’s band.

c) Cynthia’s manager.




What did Helen do during her winter vacation?


a) She bought a shirt.

b) She read a book.

c) She visited Tolstoy’s home town.




Which of the following is true?


a) The man went scuba diving with Yayoi.

b) Yayoi lost her phone in Hawaii.

c) The two people are on a boat now.





Say It in English

どうしてそんなに落ち込んでいるの?もしそれがサトミのことなら、彼女のことについては忘れたほうがいいわ。彼女はもうだれかほかの人を見つけたから。 仕事のあと飲みに行かない? 理想の彼女が見つかるかもしれないわ、あなたのすぐ目の前で

― What are you so mopey about□? If it’s about Satomi, you should forget about her.  She’s already found somebody else. Why don’t we go drinking after work? You may find your dream girl in front of you.


*dream girl: 理想の彼女
*Why don’t we ~?(私たちで~しませんか?軽い提案

ああ、それはお気の毒に。きついよね? 私にはそれがどういったことなのかわかります。でも生きているものはすべて死ぬのです。一緒にペットショップに行きましょう。新しいメダカを何匹か買ってあげます。


My poor medaka has passed.

― Oh, that’s too bad. It’s hard, isn’t it?  I know what that’s like. But all living things must die. Let’s go to a pet shop together. I’ll buy you some new ones.

*what that’s like(それがどういうことなのか

*living things (生きているもの





to be continued