英会話タイムトライアル 1月DAY10 2023/1/19(金)対話カラオケ Across the Globe!


Steve Soresi /ニリナ・ボバン

Indian restaurant



Imagine this:

We found a highly rated Indian restaurant. Let's go there.  

So at the restaurant there are some things we are supposed to do and some things we are supposed to do. Let's follow the rules and customs and let's have a great time and a great meal together in India.




N: This is the restaurant from the website. After you. 


S: Oh, thanks. It's beautiful.


N: Um.. I see some open seats. Is it OK if we go ahead and sit down?


S: That might be OK, but let's ask first.


N: OK, are you getting hungry?


S: Yes, I am. Something smells delicious. 


N: We can try some authentic Indian food. Oh, are you left-handed or right-handed?


N: I'm right-handed. Why do you ask?


S: I'm asking because we are supposed to eat with our right hands and not our left hands. Is that OK?


S: I see. OK. When in Rome, as they say, I'll do my best. I'm right-handed anyway. But I will try not to use my left hand. Just curious. Why is that?


N: In most of India, the right hand is used for clean things, the left hand is used for unclean things like garbage or shoes. Oh, here's the host. Namaste. Good evening.


S: Namaste. Good evening.


H: Shoes go there and have a seat anywhere you like.


N: Thanks.


N: All set. We probably should order a drink first. What would you like to drink?


S: I'll have sparkling water if they have it. 





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to be continued