英会話タイムトライアル 1月DAY7 2024/1/16(火)SPRトレーニング


Steve Soresi/Jenny Skidmore

Rights and wrongs around India.


be supposed to do /作法について




1) the proper way/ the proper way to do/ the right way  (作法


2) Do you know the proper way to use chopsticks in Japan?(お箸の作法


3) Do you know the proper way to eat in India?(食事の作法


4) What's the proper way to eat this dish?


5) We are supposed to use our right hands.(右手を使うことになっています


6) Are you right-handed or left-handed?(右利きですか左利きですか


7) In most of India, people use their right hands for clean things.(インドのほとんどの地域ではきれいなものには右手を使います


8) And people use their left hands for unclean things like shoes.(例えば~


9) We're not supposed to carry our shoes with our right hands.(~しないことになっている


10) We're not supposed to point at people.(人を指ささないことになっています






to be continued