ラジオ英会話 ~(186)2024/1/15(月)感情5:恋愛感情


大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans




Key Sentence

I think she has a crush on Masaru. 



Dialogue ロキシーの母親と父のアダムが話す
M: Adam, have you noticed anything unusual about Roxy lately?

D: Unusual?  No, she seems really happy.(幸せいっぱいといった様子だよ

M: That’s what I mean. She’s never that happy. I think she has a crush on Masaru.

D: Masaru? I didn’t think he was her type.(あの子の好きなタイプだと思わなかったがね

M: Well, they both have a thing for anime. They go movie together.

D: Now that you mention it, she did buy some new clothes recently.

M: What do you think of Masaru?

D: He seems like a nice guy. I wouldn’t worry about it.(いい青年のように見えるがね



*crush: 夢中 ← 歯ぎしりして噛む

*thing: 特別な感情 ←漠然と何かあるもの

*have a thing for:~が大好きである, ~に熱をあげる

*now that ~:~だから,~であるからには

Grammar and Vocabulary
1) Have you noticed anything unusual about Roxy lately?  (最近 ロキシーについて何かいつもと違うことに気がついていますか?

2) That’s what I mean. (それは私が意味していることです

/ What do you mean?




Typical Expressions   感情表現:恋愛感情
I think she has a crush on Masaru. (彼女はマサルに熱をあげているのだと思います, 恋愛初期の状態



I like you. (あなたのことが好きです
I care about you. (あなたのことを大切に思っています ←恋愛感情が濃い
Is he into me? (彼は私に気があるの? 


I’m in love with you. (あなたに恋しています
I have fallen for you. (あなたに恋してしまいました→強い恋愛感情
I have a thing for you. (あなたが好きです

I have feelings for you. (感情を持っている


I’m head over heels for her. (私は彼女に首ったけです←真っ逆さま


They like each other.  (彼らはお互いが好きです
They are in love. (彼らはお熱い仲です
They love each other. (彼らは愛し合っています





Typical Expressions in Action
1) I care about you. Do you feel the same?(私はあなたを大切に思っています。同じように感じていますか?


2) Aww, you have a crush on her, don’t you? Your face lights up whenever she enters the room.




to be continued
