英会話タイムトライアル 1月DAY5 2023/1/12(金)対話カラオケ Across the Globe!


Steve Soresi / ニリナ・ボバン




Imagine this:

We are going to the Golden Temple in the state of Punjab in the north of India.

But we need to follow the rules. So, as we get in the queue for the temple, let's talk about the rules. 

Did you imagine today's situation?





N: It's a long queue for the Golden Temple, isn't it?


S: Yeah, but it'll be worth it.


N: Oh, look at that poster about the rules for the temple. The first rule, proper clothing is required. No shorts. Well, are we dressed properly?


S: I think so. We're wearing long pants and our heads are covered.


N: And the poster says no chewing gum. Is Japan strict about chewing gum in public?


S: Not really, but most people don't chew gum in public. So it feels like we are not supposed to chew gum in public.


N: I'll take a picture of this rule poster. Is it OK to take a picture here?


S: Well, it says inside the golden temple photography is prohibited. So, since we are outside, it might be OK to take a picture. 


N: OK, and I'll just take one picture over there. I'll be right back.


S: Well, just a sec. That might not be a good idea. You might wanna stay in line. People might get mad at us if we go in and out of the queue.


N: Oh, it's our turn to go in. Yey, let's take our shoes off. And we walk through this water to wash our feet. Phew... How does the water feel?


S: Oh, it feels good, autually.





to be continued