ラジオ英会話 ~(185)2024/1/12(金)今週のリビュー

大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans





Listening Callenge


Which of the following is closest to how Brendan feels?


a) People need to go to parks more often.

b) English gardens are special.

c) There are many good parks in other countries.




What does Sally like?


a) The man's painting.

b) Driving.

c) Horseback riding.




Which of the following is true?


a) Doug and the woman want to go abroad.

b) Doug will go to the post office.

c) The woman doesn't like goya.





Does Zaytox like going for drive?


a) Yes, he has his own car.

b) No, he gets carsick.

c) No, he can't drive.



Say It in English

My car is a bit small.


― Don’t worry. I love small cars. My father would drive me to the station in his small car when I was a kid. That’s one of my fondest childhood memories.





How does your first date go?

― Actually, it was pretty rough. She is a great person, but her table manners shocked me.  She talked with her mouth full the whole time. It was disgusting.


*the whole time: ずっと





to be continued



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