英会話タイムトライアル 1月DAY4 2024/1/10(木)ECRトレーニング


Steve Soresi / Jenny Skidmore





1) We can't wear shorts.


2) Do you have a collared shirt?


3) We need to wear proper clothing.


4) Just wear a long-sleeved shirt.


5) Is it OK if I leave now?


6) You might wanna stay in line.


7) The yoga instructor got mad at me.





1) ~してはいけないと思います

I don't think we can ~

I don't think we can sit here.


2) ~が・・に怒られました

~ got mad at ・・

My boss got mad at the sales team.


3) ~したほうがいいかもしれません

You might wanna ~

You might wanna wear a swim cap. 





1) It's a long cue for the golden temple, isn't it?

― Yeah, but it'll be worth it.



2) Are we dressed properly?

― I think so. We're wearing long pants and our heads are covered.




10-second Challenge

Is it OK to take a picture here?


― Well, it says inside the Golden Temple photography is prohibited. So I don't think it's OK. It might be OK to take a picture outside though.





To be continued


Golden Temple