ラジオ英会話 ~(184)2024/1/11(木)嫌いを表す2:強い嫌悪感

せんせい  Are you driving?・・

大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans





The idea of riding in cars makes me sick.


Dialogue  マサミとベガ星人のゼイトォクスが将棋クラブの部室で話す
M: Zaytox, are you OK?

Z: Yes, I’m fine, but I am feeling bored.

M: Oh, so Vegans get bored just like humans.

Z: Yes, we do.

M: Why don’t we go for drive?  I can ask Carolyn. She loves driving.

Z: The idea of riding in cars makes me sick.

M: I didn’t know Vegan had cars.

Z: We don’t, but in America I learned that I get carsick easily. The scientists drove me some place, and I felt sick.

M: Oh.



*get carsick :乗り物・車に酔う

*I’m fine.(問題ありません

Grammar and Vocabulary
1) 説明型オーバーラッピング
I am feeling bored. (退屈しています

/ Vegans get bored just like humans.


2) 疑問の意味を持たない疑問文
Why don’t we go for a drive? (一緒にドライブに出かけませんか?




Typical Expressions   強い嫌悪感
The idea of riding in cars makes me sick. (車に乗ることを考えると私は気分が悪くなります/吐き気を催させる


His behavior disgusted me. (私は彼の行為にひどくむかつきました


That’s disgusting. (それはひどい


I was thoroughly disgusted with that movie. (私は、その映画には徹底的に嫌気がさしました


That made my skin crawl.  (そのせいで虫酸が走りました

That gave me the creeps. (ぞっとしました




Typical Expressions in Action
1) Throwing away good food makes me sick. It’s such a waste.


2) Get your finger out of your nose. It’s disgusting.(お母さんが子どもに注意する/目的語説明型


3) I got rid of that old doll. It gave me the creeps.

to be continued