ラジオ英会話 ~(182)2024/1/9(火)好きを表す2:様々な表現


大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans





I have a passion for horses.



Dialogue 絵画教室の講師ボブと生徒のサリーが話す
B: Sally, is this your latest watercolor painting?

S: Yes, how do you like it?(感想を尋ねる表現

B: I think it’s your best so far. They just get better and better.

S: Thanks. That’s good to hear.

B: I’ve noticed something. You often paint painting with horses in them. Like this one.(この絵のように

S: I have a passion for horses. I love riding.

B: Really? I didn’t know you rode horses.

S: I rarely do these days. I used to ride often when I was a little girl.

B: Well, that explains it.(なるほど、それで納得だ



Grammar and Vocabulary
1) used to  コントラスト、現在はそうではない。
I used to ride often when I was a little girl. (少女であったころ、私はよく乗っていました


2) explain   森を平らにして見やすくする ←平らにする、力を使って働きかけることから他動型
That explains it. (それで分かりました




Typical Expressions   like, love にとどまらない好きの表現
I have a passion for horses. (私は馬に夢中です


I have a weakness for sweets. (私は甘いものに目がありません

I have a soft spot for sweets. (弱点

I have a thing for sweets.(特別な感情

I have a liking for sweets.


I take pleasure in cooking for others. (私は他の人のために料理をするのに喜びを感じます


I get satisfaction from having a clean house.(私は家がきれいなことに満足しています

I derive satisfaction from having a clean house. (引き出す

I’m into yoga. (私はヨガに熱中しています

I’m hooked on yoga.(魚が針にかかった

I’m addicted to yoga.(中毒にかかった


I like soccer with a passion.  (私はサッカーがすごく好きです




Typical Expressions in Action
1) I have a passion for gardening. I grow all the vegetables I eat.


2) Do you take a pleasure in helping others? A career in physical therapy may be right for you.


3) Look at that guy’s T-shirt. He must be really into the Desperate Rats.


*physical therapy:理学療法

*take a pleasure in~: ~に喜びを感じる

*a career in~ : ~の仕事



to be continued