英会話タイムトライアル 1月DAY1 2024/1/8(月)SPRトレーニング


Steve Soresi / Jenny Skidmore

Rights and wrongs around India.







1) We can’t be late.


2) We can't talk on the phone in the temple.


3) We can't talk in the yoga studio.

/ We can't talk to each other in the yoga studio.


4) We can't take pictures without permission. (勝手に写真を


5) We can't post that picture on social media without permission.


6) We can't wear shorts.(半ズボンは着用禁止です


7) I don't think we can wear T-shirts.(~は禁止だと思います


8) Do you have a collared shirt?(襟付きのシャツはお持ちですか


9) I don't think we can chew gum here.


to be contunued