ラジオ英会話 (再)~(180)2024/1/5(金)今週のリビュー

大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans



Listening Callenge


Who will go to the concert?


a) Akari.

b) Akari and her friend.

c) Akari, her friend, and the man.




Which of the following is true?


a) Yayoi will fly business class to Hawaii.

b) Yayoi is going on a business trip.

c) There is a Hawaiian music concert on Friday.




What does the woman want to do?


a) Start an ecotourism business.

b) Join an ecotour

c) Help Doug.




What will David be joining?


a) A new program.

b) A party.

c) A line dance.




Say It in English




It’s me. I came up with a brilliant business idea. Wanna hear it? Do you have time after work?

― I’m sorry, but I have plans tonight. I’m really interested in the idea, though. When else is good for you? I’ll book a table at our usual restaurant. I can’t wait to hear it!



*come up with:思いつく

*have plans: 予定がある

*book a table:席を予約する 

*our usual restaurant:例のレストラン







― Hi. You know what? I’m planning to binge-watch horror movies with some friend at my place. Would you like to join us?  If you can come, please come dressed in white. The scarier the better, right?


*You know what?(あのね/話の取っ掛かりを付ける

*I’m planning to~: ~を計画している

*binge-watch: 一気に見る 

*dressed in white: 白い服を着る
*The scarier the better: 怖ければ怖いほどよい




to be continued