ラジオ英会話 (再)~(179)2024/1/4(木)これから10:相手の都合を尋ねる


大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans





Would you be free to join us? (あなたは参加する時間がありますか?



Dialogue ローザさんとデイビットさんがこの一年を振り返っています

R: Hey, David, how was this year for you?

D: This has been one of the best years of my life.

R: Really? Because you joined this program?

D: Well, that’s one reason. There are others.

R: Others? I’m dying to hear them.  Oh, David, Onishi-sensei is having an end of the year party on Friday.

D: A bonenkai?

R: Yeah. Would you be free to join us?

D: Friday? Sure, uh, I’d love to. I have nothing lined up.

R: Onishi-sensei loves a good party, you know.

D: So I’ve heard.(聞いたことがあるよ


*line up: 列をなしている


Grammar and Vocabulary
1) 移行を表す動詞の進行形
I’m dying to hear them. (それらについてぜひ聞きたく思います/死にそうなくらい~したい とても~したい

2) -thing  -one -bodyで終わる名詞のあと
I have nothing lined up. (私には何も予定はありません




Typical Expressions  相手の都合を尋ねる
Would you be free to join us? (あなたは参加する時間がありますか?


Would you have time to ~? (~する時間がおありでしょうか?)
Could you spare some time for me? (私のために、ちょっとお時間をよろしいでしょうか?
Have you got time to spare? (時間は ありますか?

Have you got a minute to spare? (少し時間は


Will you be able to join us? (参列することはできますか?

Can you be able to join us? (~してくれますか

When is convenient for you? (いつ都合がいいでしょうか?

When is good for you?


Does that work for you? (それはあなたにとって都合がいいですか?
When works for you? (いつ都合がいいですか?





Typical Expression in Action
1) All of us are having brunch together on Sunday. Would you be free to join?

2) I’m planning to pick you up around 7 p.m. Does that work for you?

3) I’m free all afternoon tomorrow. When is convenient for you?(明日の午後ずっと開いています



*brunch: 遅い昼食 (breakfast+lunch




to be continued




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