英会話タイムトライアル (再)12月DAY13 2023/1/3(水)SPRトレーニング


Steve Soresi / Jenny Skidmore

at home English in Singapore






1) How do you like Singapore's trains?  (どう思いますか? いががですか?

/What do you think Singapore's trains?


2) Singapore's trains are so convenient.

/The trains in Singapore are so convenient.


3) They are so clean(すごく清潔です


4) They are not expensive. (運賃が高くないです




5) Everything is connected to the train station.  (何もかもが駅とつながっています


6) We should take the express train.(乗った方がいいです


7) This isn't the express train. Let's take the next train.


8) Let's get on towards the front of the train. (電車の前の方に乗りましょう

/towards the back of ~

/towards the middle of ~


9) We get off at City Hall station.


10) Do we get off here?(ここで降りるのですか


11) We get off in two more stops.(次の次の駅で降ります


to be continued