英会話タイムトライアル(再) 12月DAY12 2023/1/2(火)SPRトレーニング


Steve Soresi / Jenny Skidmore

at home English in Singapore





1) We gotta hurry.(いそがないと


2) We gotta take the next train.


3) rush(急かす


4) Sorry to rush you.(せかしてすみません


5) Sorry to rush you, but we gotta go now.(もう行かないといけません


6) We have plenty of time.(時間はたっぶりあります


7) We don't need to rush.(慌てることはありません


8) the trains going into the city / the trains going out of the city


9) The trains going into the city are really crowded.(上りの電車


10) fireworks / fireworks show (花火大会


11) Everyone is going into the New Year's Fireworks.(年越しの花火大会


12) The trains going out of city are not too crowded.(下りの電車


13) I tried to avoid the peak hours.(混んでいる時間帯

/ I tried to avoid the rush hours





To be continued


out of ~ → outta

want to ~ → wanna

give me → gimm

going to ~ → gonna

have to → have got to → have gotta →gotta