ラジオ英会話(再) ~(176)2024/1/1(月)これから7:これからで始まる働きかけ(1)


大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans





I’m going with my friend. Would you like to join us? 

Dialogue    シリコンバレーで働くデイビットと友人のアカリが話す
D: Hi, Akari. You seem to be in a good mood.(機嫌がよさそうだね

A: Does it show? Actually, I got some good news.(顔に出でいるかしら

D: What happened?

A: I finally won tickets to HIROTO48!

D: Congratulations!

A: I’m so excited. The concert is this Saturday. I’m going with my friend,
who also won tickets. Would you like to join us?

D: But I don’t have a ticket.

A: My friend has an extra ticket.(余分の

D: OK. I’m not a fan, but it sounds like fun.



Grammar and Vocabulary
1) What happened? (何が起こったのですか?


2) 関係代名詞節の非制限用法
I’m going with my friend, who also won tickets. (私は友達を一緒に行くつもりです、その人もチケットが当たったのです/一拍空ける/追加情報を与える




Typical Expressions
I’m going with my friend. Would you like to join us? (私は友達と一緒に行くつもりです。ご一緒にいかかですか?

I’m going to the supermarket. Won’t you come with me? (スーパーに行くよ。いっしょに来ない?


I’m leaving at 9:00 tomorrow. Please have a taxi ready. (私は明日9時に出発します。タクシーの手配をお願いします/ホテルのフロントに


I’ll get my bags. Please bring the car around, OK? (私はバッグを取ってきます。車を近くに持ってきて、いい?




Typical Expressions in Action
1) Your grandma is coming over tomorrow. Be on your best behavior.(行儀よくする/over:距離感


2) Chris is attending our lecture tonight. Let’s surprise him with a cake!


3) Dinner will be ready in just a few minutes. Please wash your hands and set the table.(手を洗ってテーブルの準備をしてください

to be continued

