ラジオ英会話 ~(177)2023/12/26 (火)これから8:これからで始まる働きかけ(2)


大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans





I fly to Hawaii on Friday on business. Can you give me a ride to the airport?


Dialogue 同じ会社に勤めるジョナスとヤヨイ
Y: Hi, Jonas. Can I ask you a big favor?

J: Sure, Yayoi. But I think you still owe me for the last one.

Y: I do?

J: Just kidding. Go ahead, ask away.

Y: I fly to Hawaii on Friday on business. Can you give me a ride to the airport?

J: Oh, sure. What time?

Y: If we leave by 2 p.m., it’ll give me plenty of time.

J: OK. Hawaii, huh? You know, I love chocolate with macadamia nuts.

Y: I got you, Jonas.



*ask a big favor: やっかいな頼みごとをする
*Ask away.: 何でも尋ねて下さい。 cf. awayにはcontinuouslyの意味

*I got you. お任せください。了解 cf. You got it.(ファーストフード店やレストランでスタッフがいう「かしこまりました」



Grammar and Vocabulary
1) I fly to Hawaii on Friday on business. (私は金曜日に出張でハワイに行きます/onは活動のステージ


2) If we leave by 2p.m., it’ll give me plenty of time. (私たちが午後2時までに出発すれば私は十分な時間があるでしょう/現在形は「前提」




Typical Expressions  これからで始まる働きかけ2
I fly to Hawaii on Friday on business. Can you give me a ride to the airport? (私は、金曜日に出張でハワイに行きます。句こうまで車で送ってくれませんか?/現在形:確定未来

Your flight boards at 2:10. Please have your boarding pass ready. (あなたの便への搭乗は2時10分です。搭乗券をご準備ください /目的語説明型 your boarding pass=ready


Tomorrow is my birthday. Have you booked table at a top restaurant?  (明日は私の誕生日です。最高級レストランの予約はしましたか


I’m going to visit Tokyo. Can you show me around? (東京へ行くつもりです。案内してくれますか?

Typical Expressions in Action
1) The school year ends in two weeks. Please turn in your final projects by then.


2) I’m going to be in Tokushima this weekend on business. Can you recommend a place to stay?


3) My flight leaves at 5:45. Could you pick me up at 2:00?

to be continued