ラジオ英会話 ~(163)2023/12/6(水)類似・同一・相違を伝える


大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans




A movie can be a far cry from the actual novel.



Dialogue 大学生のギャリーとヘレン、そろそろ冬休みが・・

G: Hey, Helen, how’s the Tolstoy novel coming along?(進捗状況を尋ねる

H: War and Peace? I’m too busy studying for final exams to read that long book.

G: How many pages do you have left?

H: About 800. I’m not sure exactly.

G: Why don’t you just watch a movie version of it?

H: A movie can be a far cry from the actual novel.

G: Well, you can read it during winter break.

H: Yes, I’m looking forward to getting back into the story.

Grammar and Vocabulary
1) I’m too busy studying for final exams to read that long book. (私は、期末試験の勉強で忙しすぎて、あんなに長い本を読めません

/Can you give me a hand?  I'm too tired.


2) How many pages do you have left? (あなたは何ページ残していますか?




Typical Expressions  類似・同一・相違を伝える
A movie can be a far cry from the actual novel. (映画は実際の小説とは大きく異なることがあります


*be a far cry from: ~とは大違い、遠く及んでいない


My opinion is different from yours.

They are separate issues.

Practicing daily makes a big difference. (日々の練習は大きな違いを生み出す



My editor wears the same suit every day.(私の編集者は毎日同じスーツを着ています
My plan is similar to, if not the same as yours. (私の計画は、あなたのものと同じとまでは言えないにせよ似ています

These footprints are identical. (これらの足跡はまったく同一です


They are birds of a feather. (彼らは似た者同士です

They are two pears in a pod.


Love and hate are two sides of the same coin. (愛と憎しみは表裏一体です




Typical Expressions in Action
1) Their latest album is a far cry from their first one.(遠くおよびません


2) Let’s stop here. Practicing more than this won’t make a big difference.


3) My shirt is similar to yours. In fact, it may be identical.(実際、全く同じものかもしれない





to be continued