ラジオ英会話 ~(162)2023/12/5(火)成功を伝える
Welcome to Hiroto Land・・・
大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans
We mad it!
Dialogue 宇宙船オメガ2で地球に帰還中のセリーンとアキラ
S: Akira, do you see it? It’s Earth.
A: I’ve never seen anything so beautiful in my life. We made it!
S: Yes. The mission was a success.
A: Thanks to your great piloting skills, Selene. (操縦技術のおかげで
S: We almost didn’t make it. It was scary when that object hit us.
A: But luckily we repaired the ship.
S: Anyway, all that is behind us now. What are you going to do first after we touch down, Akira?(そうしたことは全て過去のことです
A: I’m going to Hiroto Land!
S: Hiroto Land! I love that theme park too.
*behind ~ :~にとって過ぎ去った
*touch down: 着陸する
Grammar and Vocabulary
1) I’ve never seen anything so beautiful in my life. (人生の中で 私はこんなに美しいものを見たことがありません(手元に引き付けて語ること
2) What are you going to do first after we touch down? (着陸したあと あなたはまず何をするつもりでしょうか?
Typical Expressions 成功を伝える
We made it! (私たちは成功しました!
I made it just in time. (ぎりぎり間に合いました
I made it into Hiroto University. (ヒロト大学に合格しました
The mission was a success. (このミッションは成功しました
My son succeeded in passing the entrance exam. (私の息子は入試に合格しました
My son succeeded as a pro, (私の息子はプロとして成功しました
All my effort came to fruition. (私の努力はすべて実を結びました(結実
My hard work paid off. (私の懸命の努力が成功をもたらしました(支払って利益は跳ね返ってくる
Congratulations! You nailed it. (おめでとう!大成功でしたね
The meeting was a win for everyone. (そのミーティングは誰にとっても成功でした
Typical Expressions in Action
1) We made it, guys! We got accepted to medical school. Let’s celebrate!(医大に受かる
2) I spoke to my sister, but I only succeeded in making her angrier.
3) After years of planning and preparation, my dream of climbing Mt. Everest came to fruition.
to be continued