ラジオ英会話 ~(157)2023/11/28(火)難易(2):簡単さ!
大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans
Consider it done! (自信を伝える
Dialogue レンジと家庭教師のアオイが話す
A: So, Renji, did you finish all your English homework?
R: Yeah, it was so easy. I could do it with my eyes closed.
A: Let me check it. Hmmm. You made a few mistakes, Renji.
R: What? Where?
A: Number two and number seven. Look, you used the wrong tense. And you spelled this word wrong.
R: Oh, right. Those were just careless mistakes.
A: Exactly. Careless mistakes can cause you problems on tests. Check your answers thoroughly nest time.
R: Consider it done!
*Hmmm. うむ、ふーむ
Grammar and Vocabulary
1) I could do it with my eyes closed. (私はそれを目をつぶっていてもできるよ/同時性with
2) canの潜在的可能性
Careless mistakes can cause you problems on tests. (試験では、ケアレスミスで困ったことがあります
Typical Expressions 簡単さ!
Consider it done! (任せてください、お安い御用です
I could do it with my eyes closed. (目をつぶっていてもできますよ
I could do it blindfolded. (目隠しされていてもできますよ
I could do it with one hand tied behind my back. (片手を後ろで縛られていてもできますよ
I could do it with both hands tied behind my back. (両手を後ろで縛られていてもできますよ
That’s easy. (それは簡単だよ
That’s as easy as pie. (それはとても簡単だよ/食べるかのように簡単だ
That’s a piece of cake.
It’s a no-brainer. (朝飯前だよ
It’s a cinch.
Typical Expressions in Action
1) Your suggestion is easy to implement. Consider it done!
2) Learning this software is as easy as pie. You’ll be a pro in no time.
3) Flipping omelets is my specialty. I could do it with my eyes closed.
*flip: (平たい物を)ひっくり返す
*specialty: 得意技
to be continued