英会話タイムトライアル(再) 11月DAY12 2023/11/28(火)SPRトレーニング

Steve Soresi/ Jenny Skidmore








1) Why don't we all sit together?(皆で一緒に座りませんか

2) Why don't we all sit together outside?

3) We'd love to.(ぜひ喜んで

4) Why don't we all have some tea together?

5) Why don't we all take a picture together?

6) Why don't we introduce our families to each other?(お互いに家族を紹介しませんか


/ Why don't we introduce our children to each other? 

7) Why don't we show some family pictures to each other?

8) Why don't we go talk to your father?  He's over there. (あなたのお父さんに話しかけにいきませんか

9) Your younger brother looks bored. Why don't we go talk to him? (話しかけに行くませんか

10) Good evening. Why don't you join us on the terrace?(テラスで御一緒しませんか






to be continued