ラジオ英会話 ~(156)2023/11/27(月)難易(1):難易を伝える

先生、Are you reading a book? No. I'm ・・

大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans





It’s hard to find time to read books.




Dialogue   タブレットで読書中のヘレンにギャリーが話しかける
G: Helen, are you checking social media?

H: No, I’m reading a book.

G: Oh, I thought you liked reading paper books, not e-books.

H: Usually I do, but this time I’m reading War and Peace by Tolstoy. It’s over a thousand pages!

G: It’s a massive book. I tried reading it once but gave up.

H: Well, it does take time.

G: It’s hard to find time to read books.

H: For me, finding time is quite easy. The hard part is finding the right book.

G: Good point.


Grammar and Vocabulary

1) try-ing形とtry+to不定詞
I tried reading it once but gave up. (私はそれを一度読んでみましたが、あきらめました
I tried to read it, but I had no time.(私はそれを一度読もうとしましたが、時間がありませんでした

2) 助動詞do
It does take time. (それには確かに時間がかかります

I do love him.

I did love him.





Typical Expressions  難易を伝える
It’s hard to find time □ to read books. (本を読むための時間を見つけることは難しいのです




It’s easy to do that.(そうするのは簡単/厳しい/難しい

It’s tough to do that.

It’s difficult to do that.



It’s a breeze to do that. (そうするのはとっても簡単/つらいな/大変だよ/つらいよ


It’s an ordeal to do that.

It’s a struggle to do that.

It’s rough to do that.





My boss is hard to satisfy□. (私の上司は満足させるのが難しい

My boss is tough to satisfy.


My boss is easy to satisfy. (私の上司は満足させるのがたやすい


That is a hard nut to crack. (それは難問ですね
That is a tough one. (難しいヤツだ
That is no walk in the park. (それはまったく簡単ではありません/ 気楽なこと
That is no easy task. (それはまったく簡単な課題/ことではありません

That is no easy thing. 





Typical Expressions in Action
1) His lectures are really hard to follow.

2) Be careful driving over there. The roads are confusing, so it’s easy to get lost. 


*confusing: 紛らわしい

to be continued