ラジオ英会話 (再)~(140)2023/11/03(金)今週のリビュー

大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans





Listening Challenge



What are Sally and Bob looking at?


a) A painting by Matisse.

b) A photo of Matisse.

c) A Matisse-like painting by Bob.





What does Hiroki need to do?


a) Think for himself.

b) Learn fortune telling.

c) Ask specific questions.





Which of the following is true?


a) The club activity was canceled.

b) The boy saw a space alien.

c) Linda is in Halloween costume. (仮装をしている)





What would the woman probably do?


a) Leave as soon as possible.

b) Check the weather forecast.

c) Purchase a jacket.





Say It in English
Wow, the boss was really angry.

― Ha-ha! You always surprise me! As they say, truth will out. You should've turned your camera off. But jokes aside, you should really focus when  working.


*As they say,…: ことわざで言うように

*jokes aside: 冗談はさておき

*Truth will out.: 真実は露見する



I saw Mary at a bar with a guy. Is Ken OK with that?


― Haven’t you hear that Mary broke with Ken?  As you know, he always spends hours talking on the phone. That’s what Mary couldn’t stand. She needed a quieter life. 



*Haven‘t you heard that~?: ~を聞いてないの? 
*break up with ~: ~と別れる



to be continued