ラジオ英会話 ~(129)2023/10/12(木)意見・考えの応答 (6):不同意のクッション


発言タイプ 意見・考えの応答 (6):不同意のクッション

大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans





I hate to disagree, but it’s not really necessary.



Dialogue  新婚ピーコック教授とアキが新居で・・

P: It’s a lovely day.(気持ちのいい日だね

A: Yes, I love this kind of weather.

P: Aki, do you feel at home here?

A: Not yet. It’s going to take time.

P: Is there anything you need?

A: Um, I’d like to put a kotatsu in the living room.

P: A kotatsu? Those low tables with a heater?

A: Yes, it’s needed for the colder months.

P: I hate to disagree, but it’s not really necessary.

A: But my legs will get cold.(でも足が冷えるわ

P: Don’t worry. We have central heating.



*lovely: 気持ちの良い  

*feel at home: くつろいだ気分になる

Grammar and Vocabulary
1) itのイメージ 周りの状況を受ける
It’s a lovely day. (すてきな日ですね

2) notと「強い」表現のコンビネーション
It’s not really necessary. (それはそれほど必要ありません



Typical Expressions 不同意のクッション
I hate to disagree, but it’s not really necessary. (異議を唱えたくはありませんが、それは特に必要ありません

I’m sorry, but I can’t agree. (すみませんが、同意はできません


I’m afraid that’s not how I see it. (残念ながら それは私の見方とは異なります


Not to contradict you, but there isn’t necessary. (お言葉を返すようですが、それは必要ではありません

I hate to contradict you, but there isn’t necessary.

I don’t mean to contradict you, but there isn’t necessary.


With all due respect, I have to disagree. (失礼ですが、異議を唱えねばなりません(当然払われるべき

No disrespect intended, but I have to disagree.




Typical Expressions in Action
1) I’m sorry, but I cannot go along with you on that.(その点は同意しかねます


2) I’m afraid I can’t agree with you. Teenagers need more sleep, not more homework.


3) I hate to disagree with you, but that’s not how I see it. Many families are fine without owing a car.





to be continued