ラジオ英会話 ~(128)2023/10/11(水)意見・考えの応答 (5):強い不同意


発言タイプ 意見・考えの応答 (5):強い不同意

大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans






Are you serious?


Dialogue    オメガワンの船長メーガンが火星基地のアキラと交信
A: Commander, why do I have to fly to the moon? Are you serious?

M: Actually, I’m not. It was a joke.

A: A joke?

M: Yes. You seemed a bit down, Akira. I wanted to make you smile.

A: Oh, I didn’t understand the joke. So let me get this straight. I can fly directly back to Earth?

M: Yes, Akira.

A: You’re serious this time.

M: Yes, I am.

A: What a relief! I’m finally leaving Mars! Thank goodness! Woohoo!



*Why do I have to(なぜ~しなければならないか?

*Thank goodness! (ほっとしてうれしい!

Grammar and Vocabulary
1) 説明型オーバーラッピング
You seemed a bit down. (あなたはちょっと落ち込んでいるように思えました

2) 目的語説明型
Let me get this straight. (これをはっきりさせて下さい




Typical Expressions  強い不同意
Are you serious? (あなたは本気なのですか?)

You must be joking! (冗談でしょう! 

You’ve got to be kidding! 


No way! (絶対にイヤです!


Don’t give me that. (そんなこと言わないで


Come on! (おいおい!やめてくれよ!

What are you talking about? (何を言っているんだい?/強い不同意





Typical Expressions in Action

1) Are you serious? You just joined the gym last month, and now you’re going to quit?


2) No way! I am not going in there. I saw a spider. I hate spiders!


3) Come on! Stop being such a grouch. Come with me to the party. You’ll love it.






to be continued