英会話タイムトライアル 8月DAY11 2023/8/21(月)ゴミの分別、掃除、洗濯

世界横断の旅 /北米編/ オクラホマ

Steve Soresi / Jenny Skidmore 





1 recycle  (分別する

2 Do you recycle in this town? (この町では分別していますか

3 We recycle here.

4 Plastics go here. (プラスチックはこちらです

/Put the plastics here.

5 pickup (ゴミの)収集 

6 Plastic pickup is every Thursday. (プラスチックの収集は毎週木曜日です

7 Glass bottles go there. (ガラス瓶

8 Glass bottle pickup is every Monday.

9 every other day(一日おき

10 We do the laundry every other day.

11 vacuum(掃除機をかける

12 We vacuum as needed.(必要に応じて

13 the day after tomorrow (明後日

/in two days

14 I'll leave Oklahoma the day after tomorrow.


To be continued