ラジオビジネス英語 2023/4/3(月)L1 採用試験に臨む







Dialogue リサは面接担当者ダニエルとエミリーとのオンライン面接に臨む


D: Hi. Lisa. I'm Daniel Caine from London. I'm the CCO here at WCS.


L: Hello. Nice to see you, Mr. Caine.


D: And from our side, we also have Emily, Head of Private Sales. She oversees our global cliant list.


E: Hi, Lisa. I'm Emily. Good to see you. Can you hear us clearly?


L: Hello, Emily. Yes, your voices are clear, although the screen was frozen temporalriy.


E: The connection hasn't been great since this morning. If worse is comes worst, we'll stick to the audio only.


L: Hope it'll not be the case.


M: You speak great English! Whereabouts did you grow up?


L: Well, actually, in Yamanashi, Japan. I went to New Zealand for a year on a working holiday visa, so maybe that helped?


E: Yamanashi and New Zealand? Quite the viticultural background! Perhaps you're distined to work for the wine business.



Words and Phrases

*CCO: Chief Commercial Officer 最高商務責任者

*from our side:こちらには


*Head of Private Sales:個人向けセールスの責任者

*the screen was frozen temporalriy:画面は一時的に固まる

*If worse is comes worst: いざとなったら

*stick to:~のままで行く(一度決めたらぶれずにそのままで行く

*Hope it'll not be the case.:そうならないことを祈りますが

*Whereabouts did you grow up?:ご出身はどちらですか?

*on a working holiday visa:ワーキングホリデーのビザで

*Quite the viticultural background!:かなりのブドウ栽培の素養がありますね





Business Phrase of the Day 

She oversees our global cliant list. (世界全体の個人顧客ビジネスを統括しています


I've been given the responsibility to oversee the accounting department. (経理部門の統括を任されています



Olivia oversees a $10 million budget and around 150 staff.




Alternative Expressions

1 I’m responsible for sales in Southeast Asia.

2 I'm in charge of product development.




Upgrade Your Communication Skills




When I was student, I did a 3-month internship at a hotel in Malaysia. It was a great experience to learn the differences  between the Malay and Chinese Malaysian cultures.



I've come all the way from Japan just to attend this seminar. I'm excited to get to know you all.



On weekends, I often cycle along the back roads of my neighborhood. Cycling an area gives you a different from walking or driving. I see my neighborhood in a new light.



To be continued