Enjoy Simple English 2023/1/30(月)To Throw Your Back Out

Short Stories


Words and Phrases

throw your back out: 腰を痛める

work from home: 在宅勤務をする

new phone: 新しいスマホ

the newest type: 最新型

Lucky you!: いいなあ

jigsaw puzzle:ジグソーパズル

What's the point of : ~に何の意味があるのか

scream: 大声で叫ぶ

ambulance: 救急車

Covid: 新型コロナウィルス感染症

Ahhh: アー!


Short Story

Hey, Hiroshi. Long time, no see! 

Hi. Ayumu.

It feels strange, doesn't it? I always saw you at the office, but now we are working from here, so I don't see you at all. When was the last time we met each other?


I was doing puzzles and....


The police asked my owner at my room for spare keys and...


Working from home is really bad.


Aren't you better?


It's just a phone riging.?


Hiroshi, I think I'm in trouble. It hurts!


You're joking! you threw your back out, too? This is funny.

Hiroshi, stop laughing and help me!


To be contunued