19 minutes ago - PDF Sports Nutrition for Young Adults: A Game Winning Guide to Maximize Performance | Gamewinning recipes from the book Game Day Recipes Game day is the perfect time to focus on quickdigesting carbohydrates in order to keep your body fueled all day long during those intense competitions. The type of meal you choose to eat should be based on when your competition is. If you have any earlymorning game and have only an hour or two to eat before stepping onto the field, opt for choices like smoothies, oatmeal, or French toast that are easy to digest. Homemade Sports Drink Recipes If your game day or practice lasts longer than an hour, or if you train in extreme weather conditions, a sports drink may be necessary to adequately recover both your fluids and electrolytes. Choosing a homemade sports drink over a storebought version means you get exactly what your body needs without the risk of consuming artificial flavors, sweeteners, or dyes. These sports drink recipes take just minutes to make and are extremely light, refreshing, and energizing. Postgame and Recovery Day