Hate that i love you.. | ReiraのMusic Box

ReiraのMusic Box

Kiss away the difference

you like vampires.. blood.. romance
i like romance LOVE

you don't cry easily
i do.. ううっ...

your hair is crazy and you change it every month
i've had long black hair since i was little

you tell yourself to stick to the rules
i do too.. but it never works にゃ

you do everything around your house
i try to stay in my room for as long as possible ガクリ

you don't ask for much
i ask for more and more え゛!

you're hard working
i'm.. well.. not very hard working xP

you're madly in love with America
i'm madly in love with Japan Wハート

you can't wait to live on your own
i swear i'd never live on my own ガーン

you hate your family 泣
i don't know where i'd be without (most of) them

you know everything about everything..
i'm just a little person lost in this very strange world ううっ...

i love you ハート②