Fiji! | KATオフィシャルブログ「California & Music life」Powered by Ameba


ラッキー! でも、一人でこんな素敵な国に一泊なんてもったいない!


凄い仕事だね! サーフィン大好きな人には嬉しそうな仕事だけど、仕事で行ってたらサーフィンする暇無くて逆にストレスになるかな? 


ある朝、いつもの用に家族と空港に行って、朝マック食べてたらいきなりお父さんとお母さんが “Surprise!!” これから、私達はフィジーに行くよ! と発表。 私と弟のスーツケースも持って来ててそのまま飛行機に乗りました!


学校も一週間休んじゃった。 笑

本当に感謝! Thank you mum and dad I love you!!

Bula! From Fiji!
I will be staying one night here on my way to New Zealand. Can’t really get a better stop over than Fiji but it’s a shame it’s only one night and I don’t get to share this with anyone.

I won’t get to see Masaki for almost a month and will miss him greatly!
But between spending time with family, resting, writing, recording and playing a live show I am sure it will fly by.

I’ve never had the chance to surf in Fiji but I did come here on a family vacation when I was ten.
Our family business was a little tour company and B&B so we always had a lot of Japanese customers staying with us and we also took them to and from the airport a lot. It was usually early in the morning but we didn’t mind going because it meant we could have Pancakes for breakfast at McDonalds which was a treat reserved only for the airport.

My dad likes surprises and one day we went to the airport as usual and mum and dad announce at McDonalds. “Okay guys! We have packed your bags and we are now taking you to Fiji!”

My brother and I were SOOO surprised!

We also got to skip a week of school which was a bonus!

I didn’t think I would be able to get to New Zealand this year but my parents invited me and said it could be my combined Christmas and Birthday present so I booked a ticket a month ago and here I am!

What a blessing!