花見撮影 Photo shoot with the Underdogs!! | KATオフィシャルブログ「California & Music life」Powered by Ameba

花見撮影 Photo shoot with the Underdogs!!

This is video footage from the photoshoot we had a while back..

友達の Rie Funakoshi が写真を撮ってくれて本当に素敵な写真が撮れました!!
My friend Rie took these photos for me and they look beautiful!!

CD の中の Booklet に使われてます!
And you will find some of those photos in the CD booklet..

ブックレットのデザインの preview もちらっと Facebook のファンページにアップしました~!

I've put a little teaser of the booklet on the Facebook fanpage.
Right now I'm busy on the computer and phone booking shows and promotional stuff.. But I'm really looking forward to being able to get the CD out there to you guys!!

もう6月のライブとかでも線香発売が出来そうで、7月の24日に CDリリースパーティーも企画しています!
I am planning a CD release party on the 24th July in Tokyo, and it looks like I might even be able to start pre-sales for my album at all my June shows!

最近 関西で決まったライブは:
6月10日 大阪 OSAKA Snack Mark'e open: 8pm start: 8:30pm ¥1500 (Drink incl. 込み)
6月11日 京都 KYOTO Park Cafe open:7:30pm start: 8pm ¥1500 (Drink incl. 込み)
