sleep!!! | KATオフィシャルブログ「California & Music life」Powered by Ameba


せっかく NHK RADIO の英語番組をやってるし、外国のファンの為にもちょっと頑張って、ブログを Bilingual にします!
I have decided to try and make my blog bilingual so people from English speaking nations can understand what I'm saying here!

Lately I haven't been able to sleep very well, even if I sleep 8-9 hours it never felt like enough.
I kept telling myself if was the stress or the change of lifestyle but I finally realised..

It's the mattress!!

さよならセールと言うネットで 外国人が国に帰る時に家具とかを格安で売るサイトとかあったりして。
There's website with sayonara sales where foreigners leaving Japan to go back home are selling their furniture for super cheap. So we bought a bed for 5000yen from someone but the mattress was really soft so we kept saying we would buy a new mattress but kept procrastinating.

I was using a great pillow so I thought it was strange that my neck and shoulders were getting sore.

$KATオフィシャルブログ「One step at a time...」Powered by Ameba

So we bought a mattress from Loft last week and it arrived today!

$KATオフィシャルブログ「One step at a time...」Powered by Ameba

It was rolled up so small and was vaccum packed!!

やっぱり、睡眠は大切ですね。 Sleep is soooo important!!三日月

I am soo looking forward to sleeping on this mattress tonight!