Perfectionism VS. excellence | KATオフィシャルブログ「California & Music life」Powered by Ameba

Perfectionism VS. excellence

Something I heard the other day really hit me, and I've been thinking about it..

That being perfect and being excellent is different..

完全主義者は いつまでも満たされない。。 で、何かを完璧に出来なかったら挑戦しない。
結局、完璧に出来ない恐ればっかり考えちゃって いいアイディアでもそのまま行動に進む事が少ない場合が多い。

Perfectionists are never satisfied..
Nothing hits the mark.. and most of the time you'll end up doing nothing because you're afraid whatever you try won't be perfect.

特に 英語とか習いたい人は 「完璧」って言う言葉をまず忘れた方がいいよ。
私のバンドでベースを弾いてるアルは 間違えてもいいから沢山日本語をしゃべっていて、まだ来て三年なのに凄く日本語が上手になった!!!!!

でも Excellence 「優秀」って言う事はその時の ベスト 100% をやる事だと。

Excellence is doing 100%, the best with what you have right now.

My friend Luke was saying that people don't want to see perfect people, they want to see passionate people.

友達のルークがこの話してたんだけど、人って 「完璧より情熱を持ってる人が見たい」って。

なんか、これを聞いて本当に励まされた。 I was so encouraged by this!


I still have so many areas I want to improve on as an artist..
My singing, live show, guitar playing, songwriting..
and when people are actually paying money to see me play then I really want to put on the best show for them..

逆に、私が楽しくやる時 (もちろん頑張ってるけど) ちょっと肩の力が抜く事で凄くいいライブが出来る事が多い。

But my shows where I am a bit more relaxed and really enjoying myself are usually the best gigs!!

My friend told me on Saturday night that it's scientifically proven that your brain absorbs more when you are happy.
So you will find it hard to study when you are depressed.

落ち込んでる時は能があまり吸収出来ないんだって、 子供ってハッピーだから早く色々吸収出来るのもあるって。
It's another reason why Children can absorb information so fast is because they are more carefree and less stressed.ヒマワリ

完璧には一生なれない、なりたいアーティストには一生なれないけど、今の 100% をやる事は今みんなに約束するよ!!

So, I am going to enjoy each day as it comes and I can't promise you perfection..
But I promise you I will give you 100% of what I have right now.

Have a great week everyone!!!!!!かたつむり
