My Experience working with Mark Woodその①。。。。。 | KATEIオフィシャルブログ「1LD KATEI」Powered by Ameba

My Experience working with Mark Woodその①。。。。。

先週末、AUSTA National Conferenceに行ってきました。
AUSTA (Australian Strings Association)はオーストラリア弦楽器アソシエーションで、3年に1回全国の弦楽器の先生たちが集まり、会議をしたりセミナーを行います。

21世紀ってことで、オレのフライング V エレキバイオリン「VIPER」のメーカー Mark Woodさんがアメリカから来ました。



それは、クラシックコンサートに行くお客さんはみんな70歳以上の方だからと、NO BODY CARES! (誰も気にしない)だから。




Rock On~


Last weekend, I attended AUSTA National Conference 2012.
AUSTA (Australian Strings Association) Conference is held every 3 years
for string teachers around Australia.
It's held at a different city every time, and this time it was in Melbourne.

The theme for the conference was Strings in 21st Century .
On this topic, they've invited MARK WOOD from New York, the maker of
my flying V electric violin "VIPER".
Mark not only makes instruments, he is also a performer, and an educator.
Every year, he goes around 70 schools in the US and teach kids
how to rock it on the string instruments.
He has taught over 200 000 students already!!
AND he's also an Emmy winner too! :)

I heard Mark was coming to the conference, so I wrote him an email.
He replied me saying he'd love to meet up!
The conference went for 4 days.
I worked with Mark as his assistant for 4 days.
From picking him up at his hotel in the morning,
working all afternoon with him, and showing him around Melbourne.

At the conference, Mark talked about a lot of things from How to motivate the kids and、How to survive with a string instrument.
Mark thinks the classical world will disappear in 20 years time.
Now THAT's a statement!

One of Mark's older brother is a world class Cellist.
He used to lead the Cello section in Detroit Symphony Orchestra for over 30 years.
A few years ago, the Detroit Symphony Ochestra went bankrupt.
He said for the first time in 100 years, it went bankrupt!
Why does such things happen????
He believes that all the classical concert goers are over 70 years old,
and NO BODY CARES about classical music anymore.
His 56 years old brother who only knows how to play classical music, is now unemployed.

Mark also made another interesting point.
Mark went to Juilliard music school.
At a young age, he played in a classical string quartet with his brothers.
Toured America as the first all brothers string quartet.
He played the viola in the quartet, but LOVED his rock n roll music.
But he quit Julliard because he didn't want to become a VIOLA player, but wanted to become a MUSICIAN.
A few years ago Mark revisited Julliard and ad a chat with some of the current students there.
He saw many students practising very hard on classical music and he realised something.
These institutes teaching classical music are not preparing the students for what's out there in the real world!!
Mark says,
"You can practice the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto all you like, but can you play it like the great Jascha Heifetz? If you can, I'd like to hear it!! If not, why bother trying? I'd rather listen to Jascha Heifetz's recording!!"
What Mark is saying is no matter how much you practice classical music, there are NO JOBS for you in the real world!!
Because his world class cellist brother is one of them.

Mark also said there are only 1% of us who can become like Jascha Heifetz.
Then what happens with the rest of the 99%??
They usually quit playing at a very young age.
Mark always say The world would be an awesome place if EVERYONE played a string instrument!
That's why Mark goes around America every year teaching students at 70 schools
with his "Electrify Your Stings" music program.
Get the students involved and showing them how fun it is to play a string instrument through rock music.

At the conference, Mark showed and demonstrated to the teachers around Australia how his music program is run in the US.

The blog entry is getting a bit long, so I'll continue this story tomorrow~

Rock On~