関西キャンペーン DAY 1 Part 1。。。。。 | KATEIオフィシャルブログ「1LD KATEI」Powered by Ameba

関西キャンペーン DAY 1 Part 1。。。。。

$KATEIオフィシャルブログ「1LD KATEI」Powered by Ameba久しぶりの新幹線だった~


$KATEIオフィシャルブログ「1LD KATEI」Powered by Ameba
新聞の取材が2つ終わり、次は FM 802へ挨拶に~♪

FM 802に着いて色んな方に挨拶をした。「KATEI」って言うアーティストを知ってもらうために。
丁度番組の山添まりさんの誕生日でofficeで「いぇ~ぃ!」って祝ってたからバイオリンを出して「KATEI style HAPPY BIRTHDAY」をプレゼントした~♪
スゴい喜んでもらった~ お誕生日おめでとうございます!!
$KATEIオフィシャルブログ「1LD KATEI」Powered by Ameba
FM 802でシャーリー富岡さんに紹介してくれて色んな話しをしたら、FM 802の20周年記念でGLAYのJIROさんがフォトグラファーとしてシャーリーさんとコラボして写真exhibitionを開いたんだって!

しかもJIROさんはFM 802で番組もやってるんだ~
その話しをシャーリーさんにしながらオレのフライング V のエレキバイオリンを見せたら、

「JIROくんがこのフライング V エレキバイオリンを見たら絶対驚くし喜ぶよ!JIROくんに写真送るね。そしてアルバムもJIROくんのロッカーに入れてあげる!JIROくんって結構足を運んでライブに観に行くタイプだからKATEIくんのライブがあったら是非一緒に観に行くよ!いつかGLAYさんと一緒にライブできたら良いね!その楽器はGLAYさんのイメージとピッタリだしね!」って言ってくれて。。。



Rock On~


Last weekend, I was in South West of Japan for promoting my album "JOURNEY".
It's been a while since I traveled in a bullet train~
I haven't been to Osaka for maybe over 3 years.
We left SHINAGAWA station @ 8:27am for SHIN-OSAKA Station.

The bullet train ride is so smooth, that half way there,
I thought we were on an airplane!
So weird!! lol
2 and a half hours later, we arrive at SHIN-OSAKA station!

We arrive at Osaka Victor Entertainment office at 11am,
and I had my first interview of the day @ 11:30am!!

In Kansai area (South/West Japan), people speak Kansai dialect.
It's a little different to the 'normal' Japanese to Tokyo.
But before I came to Japan, I had lots of Kansai area friends, so I'm quite
used to hearing it. At one point, I even spoke Kansai dialect~
But since I came to Tokyo, I haven't heard Kansai dialect, so it was
fun hearing it again~

After 2 news paper interviews, we went to FM 802 to meet and greet~♪

I met and greeted lots of people at FM 802, one of the most popular radio
station in Kansai area.
By coincidence, a radio DJ Yamazoe Mari had her birthday announced in the
office and everyone was cheering for her. So I decided to pull out my violin
and play her my version of 'Happy Birthday' to her~♪
She loved it and everyone in the office thought it was nice!!
Left an awesome impression!!

@ FM 802, they introduced me to Shirley Fujioka. She is also a DJ there.
We got talking and she tells me that JIRO from GLAY (an awesome rock band in Japan) just collaborated with her and took some b&w photography and has an photo exhibition in Osaka celebrating FM 802's 20th anniversary.
JIRO from GLAY also does DJ at FM 802 as well!!!
I'm like their biggest FAN!!! lol

When I first got into J-pop, GLAY is the very first band I got into.
You could also say that thanks to GLAY, I got into ROCK as well.
My younger brother and I even went out and bought electric guitars with our own
pocket money, and formed a GLAY covers band!!
We even dreamt that 'wouldn't it be awesome if we could play solo with GLAY one day?'

I told Shirley this story and showed her my Flying V electric Violin.
Then she says,

"If JIRO saw this Flying V electric violin, he would go nuts!!
I'll definitely send him a picture of this, AND leave your album in his locker!!
JIRO actually loves going to live gigs himself, so if you do have a gig lined up,
we'll definitely be there!! Hope you can perform with GLAY one day!!
That instrument is so perfect to play with GLAY!!!"

I was like.... goose bumps all over!!
I was soooooo excited!!!!

to be continued.....

Rock On~

