ラ・ボンバンス La Bombance | 香澄のしなやかライフ

ラ・ボンバンス La Bombance

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先月は荒坊と裕ちゃんと3人で。With Arabi and Yuko.

最近のガールズディナーで。Petite girls reunion!
修行中のあら坊の娘、鈴奈ちゃん。Reina who is Arabo's daughter and works at La Bombance.
この謎解きがかっているメニューも楽しい!Menu is a kind of trivia. Good fun to solve it!!




Dinner with Yuko & Arabo sisters at “La Bombance” in Nishiazabu. Arabo’s daughter Reina works there. La Bombance is a Michelin starred restaurant and services very original and unique marriage with lots of seasonal tips. Marvelous foods, lovely ambience and great companies……on top of that, it’s so neighbour!!