春来と再会 Catching up with Haruki!! | 香澄のしなやかライフ

春来と再会 Catching up with Haruki!!

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あのバレエダンサー、マニュエル・ルグリは遊び仲間だったそう!A famous ballet dancer, Manuel Legris is good friend of Haruki!

It's been over 10 years since I saw Haruki last time. Haruki left for NY when we were 18 years old and studied fashion design at Persons. Later, he made a debut as an opera singer at Teatro del Grigio in Lucca, Italy and of course I went to see his debut.
He is very talented in any area of art. For example, he indulged in ballet and devoted 15 years. Musashi, his pupil has earned Choreography award at YAGP.
Haruki continues opera singing and has been selected for a role of Goro in "Madame Butterfly" which will be performed in summer 2015 in Japan. The audition was very unique that candidates didn't provide any profile but given very difficult a song of assignment. That means that judges have no bias and select only by quality and capability! I'm very thrilled to see his performance this summer!