Sくんが今月リピートして聞いるのはDWEのPlay Along 3キラキラ
Play Alongの1~3は赤ちゃんの0歳の頃からも楽しく遊べる内容なのでよく流しています笑顔2



”My Little Car”の歌が可愛くてついつい口ずさんでしまううっしっしっハート

My little car has four little wheels-

Round and round they go!

My little car has four little wheels-

Round and round they go!


My little car goes fast.

My little car goes slow.

My little car can stop.

And my little car can go.


Look ! A hill !

Let's go for a ride Up the hill and down the other side!

 Look! Another little car ! Beep beep ! Hello.




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